Lumbar Spine Surgery Under Spinal Anesthesia: Clinical Evaluation and Outcomes
Lumbar Spine Surgery, Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia, effectiveness, safety, OutcomesAbstract
Lumber spine surgeries can performed under general or spinal anesthesia. Despite the general anesthesia considered the gold standard anesthetic technique in lumbar spine surgeries, spinal anesthesia had been found to have its advantages and preferred by several surgeons with regards to the cost-effectiveness, complications related to anesthetic agents, patients characteristics and suitability for patients who do not prefer general anesthesia This study tried to to give an in-depth analysis of the benefits and outcomes of spinal anesthesia during an elective laminectomy as a safe and effective alternative anesthetic technique to general anesthesia for patients with a relative contraindication to general anesthesia. Our findings indicated that spinal anesthesia is a safe and effective alternative to general anesthesia in surgeries for single-level or two-level disc herniation. Lower amount of blood loss and lower rates complication, make spinal anesthesia as vital option. However, careful consideration is necessary regarding the use of spinal anesthesia in cases with multi-level surgeries, we suggest to avoid spinal anesthesia in such cases due to longer duration of operation which make difficult to operating on a patient when the effect of anesthetics begin to lowered.